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Dev#5 here! Wow that's so cool!!! Thanks for making this!

Thanks :) 

Amazing! Got a score of 98% accuracy and acn't get those beats out of my head!

Awesome! That requires some great mouse maneuvering skill :D Thanks for playing. 

Awesome! :D


Thanks :)

Good Job!

Thanks. :)

Marvelous work! Can you include the source code so we can expand on this further? It would be cool to turn this into a full game and then publish it, all the previous developers would be able to work on the project... If that sounds interesting to you let me know :D

Thanks. I've uploaded the project file. 
It does sounds interesting, but I'd have little to no experience in working as a team. If somehow you can get the others to agree to work together, sure. 

There's a Discord for BEAThoven devs if you wanna join!

(2 edits)

One of the devs 6 here. It does sounds interesting. I don't have much experience working in a game dev team but I'd like to give it a try if other devs agree :D


There's a Discord for BEAThoven devs if you wanna join!

(2 edits)

Hello, there seems to be a problem with the server. I clicked the link and joined the server but on my phone and Mac it says there are no text channels. I tried opened it using the Discord website and it says messages failed to load. Leaving and joining the server didn't help. 

I just looked around a bit at your comments and I think I need permission from WKGames to join the server


Yeah. Happened to me too.